Ez-Architect 1.1

Home design software for PCs with XP and Vista and dual-boot macs with XP or Vista installed. It makes floor plans a real snap--very easy to use. Some features of this home design program that make your floor plans easier are the duplicate tool for automatically placing rows or columns of boards, studs, trees, plywood, joists or whatever exactly where you need them, spaced on-center like you need them when you design your own home. And there's a layering system for keeping upper stories, electrical, and plumbing schematics separate. On the other hand, if you just want to create simple floor plans without any complications or layers or construction detail, this is the home design program for you! We've all seen that home design software has tended to get more complicated and has a steeper learning curve, in spite of the fact that most of us just want to create some floor plans and don't really care about learning about 3D. The home design and floor plan program that makes it easy and quick.

Download Ez-Architect 1.1

Product Info

Download Ez-Architect 1.1

Publisher: MCS Investments, Inc.

Size: 10 MB

OS: Windows XP and Windows Vista

Install: Install Only