Red Button 3.8

Red Button is a free program for Windows optimization. By means of program Red Button you can reduce space occupied by system on a disk; to switch off and remove unnecessary, disturbing to work components; to increase speed of loading, operation, turn off of system; in time to clean "junk" files; to correct errors in the registry; to raise safety and convenience of system; to reduce degree of influence on environment; to lower system charges. The program has surprisingly simple, convenient, and graceful interface. For introduction of the selected changes it is enough to you to make just one click. Red Button does your computer better!

Download Red Button 3.8

Product Info

Download Red Button 3.8

Publisher: Pothos

Size: 0.09 MB

OS: WinXP,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate

Install: Install and Uninstall