3X 3GP Video Converter can also convert mpg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, wmv, mp4, 3gp, mov, rm, dv, yuv, h264 to 3GPP file, convert 3GP to MPEG, AVI, VOB, MPEG4, WMV,etc, extract audio from 3GPP video file and convert to MP3, WAV, AC3, WMA, m4a, ogg, aac to audio-only 3GP file. Software Features: . 1.Convert various formats including DVD, VCD, SVCD, MOV, RM, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MPEG1/2/4 to 3GP; 2.Convert 3GP to all popular audio files, including MP2, MP3, AC3, RA, M4A; 3. Support batch conversion; 4. Support multithreading,you can convert some files at the same time; 5. When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment; 6. You can select the default setup or you yourself select the video and audio codec, setup the parameters of output; 7. Users are able to edit the output path or use the same one as the input path; 8. Supports preview, Users can choose to preview the input files before conversion. 9. Converts any clip or segment,the software allows users to choose start point and duration at will;
Download 3X 3GP Video Converter 2.1.15
Download 3X 3GP Video Converter 2.1.15
Publisher: DVDXCOPY-Software Co., Ltd.
Size: 2.57 MB
OS: Win95,Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP
Install: Install and Uninstall